H2020 FET-PROACT. Grant agreement N° 951768
Evolving reversible iMmunocapture by membrane sensing peptides: towARds scalable extracellular VEsicLes isolation
Project coordinator: Marina Cretich
Bando Materiali Avanzati Fondazione Cariplo & Regione Lombardia; Grant n° 2018-1720
A Peptide Hydrogel Platform for Extracellular Vesicles Isolation and Multimodal Analysis
Project Coordinator and PI: Alessandro Gori
H2020 FET-OPEN. Grant agreement N° 766466.
Integrated nanoparticle isolation and detection system for complete on-chip analysis of exosomes
Project coordinator and PI: Marcella Chiari
Regione Lombardia: ID 229472
Regional network for developing diagnostic methods in rapid response to emerging epidemics and bio-emergencies
PI: Marina Cretich
Regione Lombardia - CALL HUB RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE - ID 1157625
INTERSLA: INnovazione, nuovi modelli TEcnologici e Reti per curare la SLA.
PI: Marina Cretich
Fondazione Cariplo, Grant N° 2016-0472
Analysis of the molecular basis of long TSLP activity in the immunopathology of ulcerative colitis
co-PI: Alessandro Gori